Private Clinic

WellNurtureMD – TRT

Promoting Wellness – Preserving Health – Protecting Dreams

WellNurtureMD – TRT

Promoting Wellness – Preserving Health – Protecting Dreams
Private Clinic

WellNurtureMD – TRT

Promoting Wellness – Preserving Health – Protecting Dreams
Private Clinic
Dr. Julien Dupuis MD, LMCC, CCFP

My TRT Story...

In recent years, I have developed a particular interest in preventative medicine and male hormonal health. I have always been physically active and a strong believer in healthy lifestyle habits for optimal health. As an obese teen, I managed to lose 70lbs after discovering the effects of good nutrition. Being healthy enabled me to stay productive and maintain efficiency in all aspects of my life. I believed that with the right motivation nothing would deter me.

In 2022, I slowly developed increasing fatigue. I thought this was normal as a busy Family Physician during the pandemic and the involved proud father of a toddler. I noticed less drive to accomplish previously regular tasks and projects. I was always sore with muscle pain and joint aches. I was always tired and found myself needing daily naps, which was unusual for me. My body would shut down midday. My physical performance was declining. I had to reduce my work outs to 3 times a week instead of my usual 6. My overall strength dropped 30%. This was all despite maintaining optimal nutrition, regular exercise and a consistent sleep routine. My digestion was worsening weekly.

As a Physician, I could see no obvious cause or trigger. I started thinking that I must be developing an illness and even feared having cancer. I started basic investigations, which were normal. With persistent symptoms, I pursued further tests including more blood work, endoscopies and scans. I had checked every box I could think of at the time. Still no obvious cause. I consulted with a great dietician, underwent regular physiotherapy and engaged with a psychologist. I had lost the sense of joy in life and had no drive. This significantly impacted my daily life. My final self-diagnosis was irritable bowel syndrome and normal aging. I started to accept that this was my new normal and my health would only go downhill from here until I made it to a retirement home.

One morning, I was thinking while having a cup of coffee before my workout: The only thing I had not checked already was my testosterone level. Despite my background as a physician, I had dismissed the possibility of testosterone deficiency at my age, believing it didn’t apply to someone as young and healthy as I considered myself to be. I eventually checked my levels with a simple blood test, mostly out of desperation. Days later I received a message: Hey did you see your levels? To my surprise I had low testosterone levels. The progressive onset of my symptoms aligned with typical patterns of this condition. I was shocked but also happy. This brought me hope as well as a possible way out. After reviewing relevant literature, I found no significant risks and only potential benefits in trying testosterone therapy. I made the decision to begin treatment.

Within weeks, my life changed completely. I regained happiness and a sense of vitality. My energy levels increased, joint pains vanished and I was no longer searching for the nearest couch to nap on midday. I easily resumed my previous exercise regiment with steady improving physical performance and strength. Instead of counting down the days until retirement, I began pursuing new and exciting projects. Remarkedly, even my digestive issues resolved. I experienced no negative side effects from testosterone therapy. Witnessing firsthand the transformative effects of restoring physiological testosterone levels solidified my belief in the importance of hormonal health. As a Physician and a patient, I then decided to double down and deepen my knowledge and expertise in male hormonal health and testosterone deficiency.

Shortly after discovering that some things are worth investigating to optimise health, I decided to have a growing lump on my left leg removed. I always thought it was nothing dangerous, but it started hurting, now bothering me while I exercised. Something felt off. Unfortunately, it turned out to be cancer. The word no one ever wants to hear! I couldn’t help but wonder why me? At 34 years old, previously in good general health aside from adequately treated Testosterone Deficiency, it seemed so unexpected. Thankfully, after multiple investigations, appointments, travel and surgery, I was finally deemed in remission. I questioned what more I could have done to prevent this and whether there were signs I had missed.

With eight years of medical practice behind me, I, like many physicians, traditionally waited for patients to meet research-based clinical practice guideline thresholds before treating chronic illnesses.  While medical advancements allow us to effectively manage most chronic diseases, curing the underlying cause itself that usually begins years before diagnosis, often remains elusive. As a health professional, I wondered how I could change my focus and address the root causes of disease before signs of dysfunction appear. As a person, I felt compelled to assist others experiencing similar symptoms as I had. Functional Medicine, an evolving field, was my answer. It shifts our approach to addressing issues before metabolic disruptions lead to chronic illness. It represents the ultimate preventive strategy to enhance health span and metabolic health. Hormone health plays a crucial role in this comprehensive approach to wellbeing.

With all this in mind, I pursued advanced education in male hormonal health, including a certification in Testosterone therapy from Harvard Medical School, and became a member of the Androgen society. I continue to seek new knowledge in the field. I also decided to join the exceptional team at WellNurtureMD, focusing on male hormonal health and providing testosterone therapy for those with Testosterone Deficiency.

Julien Dupuis

My TRT Story...

Dr. Julien Dupuis MD, LMCC, CCFP

In recent years, I have developed a particular interest in preventative medicine and male hormonal health. I have always been physically active and a strong believer in healthy lifestyle habits for optimal health. As an obese teen, I managed to lose 70lbs after discovering the effects of good nutrition. Being healthy enabled me to stay productive and maintain efficiency in all aspects of my life. I believed that with the right motivation nothing would deter me.

In 2022, I slowly developed increasing fatigue. I thought this was normal as a busy Family Physician during the pandemic and the involved proud father of a toddler. I noticed less drive to accomplish previously regular tasks and projects. I was always sore with muscle pain and joint aches. I was always tired and found myself needing daily naps, which was unusual for me. My body would shut down midday. My physical performance was declining. I had to reduce my work outs to 3 times a week instead of my usual 6. My overall strength dropped 30%. This was all despite maintaining optimal nutrition, regular exercise and a consistent sleep routine. My digestion was worsening weekly.

As a Physician, I could see no obvious cause or trigger. I started thinking that I must be developing an illness and even feared having cancer. I started basic investigations, which were normal. With persistent symptoms, I pursued further tests including more blood work, endoscopies and scans. I had checked every box I could think of at the time. Still no obvious cause. I consulted with a great dietician, underwent regular physiotherapy and engaged with a psychologist. I had lost the sense of joy in life and had no drive. This significantly impacted my daily life. My final self-diagnosis was irritable bowel syndrome and normal aging. I started to accept that this was my new normal and my health would only go downhill from here until I made it to a retirement home.

One morning, I was thinking while having a cup of coffee before my workout: The only thing I had not checked already was my testosterone level. Despite my background as a physician, I had dismissed the possibility of testosterone deficiency at my age, believing it didn’t apply to someone as young and healthy as I considered myself to be. I eventually checked my levels with a simple blood test, mostly out of desperation. Days later I received a message: Hey did you see your levels? To my surprise I had low testosterone levels. The progressive onset of my symptoms aligned with typical patterns of this condition. I was shocked but also happy. This brought me hope as well as a possible way out. After reviewing relevant literature, I found no significant risks and only potential benefits in trying testosterone therapy. I made the decision to begin treatment.

Within weeks, my life changed completely. I regained happiness and a sense of vitality. My energy levels increased, joint pains vanished and I was no longer searching for the nearest couch to nap on midday. I easily resumed my previous exercise regiment with steady improving physical performance and strength. Instead of counting down the days until retirement, I began pursuing new and exciting projects. Remarkedly, even my digestive issues resolved. I experienced no negative side effects from testosterone therapy. Witnessing firsthand the transformative effects of restoring physiological testosterone levels solidified my belief in the importance of hormonal health. As a Physician and a patient, I then decided to double down and deepen my knowledge and expertise in male hormonal health and testosterone deficiency.

Shortly after discovering that some things are worth investigating to optimise health, I decided to have a growing lump on my left leg removed. I always thought it was nothing dangerous, but it started hurting, now bothering me while I exercised. Something felt off. Unfortunately, it turned out to be cancer. The word no one ever wants to hear! I couldn’t help but wonder why me? At 34 years old, previously in good general health aside from adequately treated Testosterone Deficiency, it seemed so unexpected. Thankfully, after multiple investigations, appointments, travel and surgery, I was finally deemed in remission. I questioned what more I could have done to prevent this and whether there were signs I had missed.

With eight years of medical practice behind me, I, like many physicians, traditionally waited for patients to meet research-based clinical practice guideline thresholds before treating chronic illnesses.  While medical advancements allow us to effectively manage most chronic diseases, curing the underlying cause itself that usually begins years before diagnosis, often remains elusive. As a health professional, I wondered how I could change my focus and address the root causes of disease before signs of dysfunction appear. As a person, I felt compelled to assist others experiencing similar symptoms as I had. Functional Medicine, an evolving field, was my answer. It shifts our approach to addressing issues before metabolic disruptions lead to chronic illness. It represents the ultimate preventive strategy to enhance health span and metabolic health. Hormone health plays a crucial role in this comprehensive approach to wellbeing.

With all this in mind, I pursued advanced education in male hormonal health, including a certification in Testosterone therapy from Harvard Medical School, and became a member of the Androgen society. I continue to seek new knowledge in the field. I also decided to join the exceptional team at WellNurtureMD, focusing on male hormonal health and providing testosterone therapy for those with Testosterone Deficiency.

Julien Dupuis