Private Clinic

WellNurtureMD – TRT

Promoting Wellness – Preserving Health – Protecting Dreams

WellNurtureMD – TRT

Promoting Wellness – Preserving Health – Protecting Dreams
Private Clinic

WellNurtureMD – TRT

Promoting Wellness – Preserving Health – Protecting Dreams
Private Clinic

WellNurtureMD’s Privacy Policy

Outlines what we are doing to ensure that:

  • Only necessary information is collected about you;
  • We only share your information with your consent;
  • Storage, retention and destruction of your personal information complies with existing legislation, and privacy protection protocols;
  • We limit the use of your personal health information maintained with our employees who need to know the information to carry out the purpose for which the information was collected or received;
  • Our privacy protocols comply with privacy legislation and standards of our regulatory bodies.

WellNurtureMD: Collects, Uses and Discloses

Clients’ Personal Information for the following purposes:

  • To address health concerns;
  • To provide health care;
  • To advise you of treatment options;
  • To establish and maintain contact with you;
  • To remind you of upcoming appointments;
  • To communicate with other healthcare providers;
  • To communicate with your health care insurance providers;
  • To allow us to efficiently follow-up for treatment, care and billing;
  • To comply with legal and regulatory requirements of our regulatory body;
  • To invoice for goods and services;
  • To process credit card payments;
  • To collect unpaid amounts;
  • To assist the clinic to comply with all regulatory requirements;
  • To comply generally with the law.