Dr. Julien Dupuis
Private Clinic

WellNurtureMD – TRT

Promoting Wellness – Preserving Health – Protecting Dreams

WellNurtureMD – TRT

Promoting Wellness – Preserving Health – Protecting Dreams
Private Clinic

WellNurtureMD – TRT

Promoting Wellness – Preserving Health – Protecting Dreams
Private Clinic

Testosterone Wellness Assessment

Congratulations for taking steps to further improve your overall health!

Our purpose and passion is to ensure your testosterone level is optimal. Testosterone influences our conscious well-being and every physiological function. Your participation as we strive to achieve your optimal testosterone balance is key to success. Our primary focus is restoring testosterone to age specific perimeters where symptoms associated with deficiency are corrected.  We often combine other health promoting strategies including referral to others to potentiate you feeling your best.

WellNurtureMD Company Core Values & Privacy Policy

We aim to establish client relationships through integrity, quality and excellence. We will communicate honestly and openly, treating individuals with respect in a professional, ethical fashion. Our Privacy Policy outlines the information we collect and how it is used. We respect the importance of protecting personal information and maintaining confidentiality. We look forward to becoming trusted advisors to those who seek our services.

Getting Started with the Testosterone Wellness Assessment

Before we start the online health assessment, you will need to complete the Patient Consent Form. Once submitted, WellNurtureMD will contact you to discuss eligibility for testosterone restoration therapy (TRT).

WellNurtureMD requires your consent prior to the collection, use and/or disclosure of your personal information as outlined in the Patient Consent form. When we have determined that you may potentially be eligible for testosterone restoration therapy, we will assign you a WellNurtureMD Client ID (to protect your privacy) by text or telephone to proceed to the online health assessment.